NQI Project Monitoring System Design

Creating a reliable performance reporting system to reduce overall administrative burden and ensure accessibility of relevant information to stakeholders

In-line with governance of the NQIP which was initially slated to run from 2014 – 2016, is the need for an annual Project Steering committee meeting. This is to report to stakeholders on status of the various project’s components. During its first steering committee meeting in 2015, stakeholders stressed on need for synchronization of report and data inconsistency by the implementing team. This raised the issue of trust and transparency among stakeholders.

The National Quality Infrastructure Project for Nigeria (NQIP) and European Union 12million Euro funded project, implemented by United Nations Industrial Development Organization for the Nigerian government. The project aimed to support the improvement and establishment of missing
standards and quality control bodies, which are needed to improve the quality of products and services exchanged in Nigeria’s domestic market, as well as internationally.
